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U.S. Trademark Search

  • If you are selling or thinking about selling your wares or services in the U.S., it is important that you consider the U.S. trademark situation. You could be sued for trademark infringement, even if you are honestly unaware of the U.S. trademark. If there is a conflicting mark in the U.S. then you will not be able to use your Canadian mark in the U.S.

    We do a comprehensive search of the Federal and State Trademark Registries in the U.S. We search not only for exact matches, but for confusingly similar marks. For example, "zerox" and "zerax" would be considered confusing with "xerox," but they wouldn't come up in an exact-match search. We use the information that you provide us with to further focus the search on the particular wares and services you are interested in.

    If you are ready to proceed, please fill in the form below. The more accurate and detailed the information you provide to us, the better the job we can do. Our charge for this Search & Opinion is $350 + taxes. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Please tell us what names you currently operate under and the trademarks & business names you use. In particular, if you operate under an exact or similar name, please advise us. Do you have plans to tie together your business names and trademark?
  • Please provide us with a brief description of your business and its activities, either existing or planned.
  • If there is any additional information you wish to provide to us, or if you have any questions or comments, please use this space to communicate with us.

  • U.S. Trademark Search & Opinion: $350 + taxes